VBS 2023 - Adventure at Agape Ranch

Teaching: Jesus and love, Mark 12:30-31

Day 1 skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Heart

Day 1 Puppet skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Heart

Day 2 skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Soul

Day 2 Puppet skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Soul

Day 3 skit (Part 1) - Loving the Lord with all Your Mind

Day 3 Puppet skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Mind

Day 3 skit (Part 2) - Loving the Lord with all Your Mind

Day 4 skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Strength

Day 4 Puppet skit - Loving the Lord with all Your Strength

Day 5 skit - Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself

Day 5 Puppet skit - Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself

VBS Finale

VBS Wrap Up Message

Sunday July 16, 2023 - JD Langdon